Merriam-Webster, the publishers to the well-known dictionary, has released a new version of The Official SCRABBLE® Players Dictionary. In order to keep with new trends, styles and habits of the 21st century, Merriam-Webster has included 5,000 new words to the dictionary this year. As one would guess, many of these new words are technology-related. Additionally, this year was the first time the public was able to vote on a new addition: geocache. Here are a few of our favorite technology words that we can’t wait to use in our next game of Scrabble.
Noun, ˈselfē/
A photograph taken of oneself, typically with a smartphone or webcam, and posted to a social media site.
First known use: 2002
“I took a selfie and uploaded it on Facebook, but it only got 2 likes.”
Noun, verb \vläg/
A video log, a blog in which the posting are primarily in video form.
First known use: 2002
“I just posted a vlog about my thoughts on new the iPhone.”
Noun, \ˈjē-ō-ˌka-shiŋ\
An outdoor sport/game that involves searching for hidden objects by using GPS coordinates posted on the Internet.
First known use: 2000
“On our trip, we brought our GPS to search out local geocache as a way to explore the area.”
Noun, \ˈhash-ˌtag\
A word or phrase preceded by the symbol #, classifies or categorizes the accompanying text in purposes of a tweet or tag.
First known use: 2008
“I went out on a Tuesday night! #YOLO”