This fall, Mac users everywhere will be able to update to the latest version of the Mac operating system. For those who can’t wait any longer, Apple will also be released the beta version to the first 1 million users that sign up. OS X Yosemite has a whole new interface, as well as new features. Here's a sneak peek at some of the features Mac users can look forward to.
In regards to the new interface, OS X Yosemite has gone back to flat. The look has clearly been influenced by iOS 7, featuring a brighter color palette and flatter designs. The dock has returned to a 2D look, but still looks modern. On the dock, the icons have been redrawn into a mix of the designs from Mavericks and IOS 7 and iOS 8. Another change is the addition of window transparency. Sidebars in apps and now semi-transparent, allowing the user to see more of what is happening in the background. The font has also been changed from Lucida Grande to Helvetica Neue.
A great new feature of OS X Yosemite is the change to the red, yellow and green “stoplights” in the corners of every app window. The maximize button from before, which would just maximize the window to “best fit” has been changed to a full-screen option. The Notification Center’s Today view in iOS 7 gives iPhone users a glance at the day ahead. This feature has been added toe OS X Yosemite and expanded to allow customization through widgets. Yosemite also improves continuity between devices, included a shared AirDrop, Instant Hotspot, SMS relaying, and a handoff feature. The "handoff" feature lets you switch over devices while viewing a website or crafting message.
These are just a few of the changes that OS X Yosemite will bring. If you're just too excited about the new operating system, you can learn how to download the beta version here.