Java: Why Your Website Needs It

animated screen to represent Java script use

Java isn’t just a fancy way to refer to coffee. It’s a veteran programming language that’s been used as far back as 1995 and is still implemented in many websites. Today, there are certainly more options than Java and the language isn’t utilized as frequently, but many applications still rely heavily on Java integration. If you plan to own a website, it’s likely that somewhere down the line Java will be required to run something, so it’s good to be prepared.

A website owner can find a great deal of use for Java depending on their goals. Java is helpful for video on a website. One might ask why they’d need to use java when they could
integrate say a YouTube link into the site and have the YT video hosted right there. This is certainly a viable option, but this is also extra taxing on systems, and sometimes makes for difficult loading if the browser is working with less than optimal hardware. Java, on the other hand, allows for a much cleaner delivery, running off its own environment instead of website resources to put less demand on the hardware itself.

If your website happens to be entertainment focused, many games require Java or related plugins to run. In some other cases, the AdobeFlash program is used to run. Entertainment sites are also a popular choice with their easy-to-integrate Java games, so there’s certainly more demand for them on the web.

In a different kind of example, you can also use Java to demonstrate skeleton software, or software that’s still in development using JavaScript. This can be shown to interested business parties or other professionals, in which a rundown of the hypothetical software’s goals can be gone over, a sort of interactive portfolio as it were. It can even be used to showcase interactive media or data through Java’s intricate capabilities. It’s not the most common use, but certainly an in depth way to explain website processes.

While today still offers numerous options in terms of programming languages, Java has been a tested format for over a decade and maintains reliability. It’s certainly one of the simplest methods to integrate into a website and offers a multitude of uses for both owner and visitor. If you’re uncertain about what to build a web page with, Java is always a solid solution.  If you’re looking for more information about JavaScript or building a website in general, the IT professionals as Stratosphere Networks can help.  Contact us today by calling (877) 599-3999 or fill out our contact form.

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