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5 Tips to Keep Safe From Hackers

The growth of technology has opened doorways for people and businesses alike, launching us into a new age full of connectivity and instant information. Today, you can video chat a friend with a touch of a button, scan and process checks using a smartphone, stream high quality video with a mobile tablet. It’s all quite impressive, appearing without holes or dangers.

The reality is though, security is still a big issue in the tech world, even with all the advancements made. In fact, the increases in technological capabilities make some methods for security breaching/hacking a lot easier. It’s important to everyone to be protected, so here’s a few tips to keep safe when browsing on the web or in general.

1 – Change your passwords and change them often

Depending on the level of access you expect certain devices to have, it’s a good idea to change your passwords every month or so. Good passwords are generally long combinations of upper/lower case letters mixed with numbers. They should never be phrases or guessable words, which only makes it easier to break into accounts. Most security problems start right here, so it’s a good habit to learn.

2 – Never give out personal info

Though it might seem obvious, you never want to give out personal or login information to emails that ask you for them. One of the easiest ways hackers can breach your information is simply to ask for it. It’s also important to stress because many emails exist which try to emulate administration emails. There are, for example, fake PayPal emails which declare strange activity on your account, and the email itself can look authentic. However, no webhost will ask or vaguely inform you of account activity without showing you first, and no credible source will ask for personal information via email, so be wary.

3 – Have an anti-virus program

Today, anti-virus programs (legitimate ones) are free and easy to use. Popular choices tend to be Avast!, Norton, AVG, and more. This is important as hackers may employ viral software like key loggers, which not only slow down your PC performance, but copy every key strike you make and then email back to them. This, of course, can be used to steal bank account info or other important things.

4 – Avoid fake anti-virus programs

Not to sound redundant, but even though there’s a lengthy list of trusted anti-virus programs out there, so too are there numerous fake ones. Some take on names similar to official vendors, and if downloaded, will run a “scan” which actually loads malware into your PC. This is an easy way for a hacker to gain access to your system. It should also be noted to avoid any free or gift programs from senders you don’t know or trust.

5 – Use security plugins

Last but not least, browsers like Firefox support multiple plugins which can keep you safer from malicious scripts and code. Some add-ons, like noscript, won’t allow a page to run scripts at all without your approval. In the case of a malicious site, scripts are one of the first methods to compromise your security.

While there are many ways for hackers to access you information, there are plenty of simple things you can do to ward them off.  Following these safety tips and remaining aware of the information you receive and send will go a long way in your virtual security.